Wednesday, 20 September 2023

How to Setup a Discus Aquarium?

 Belonging to the Cichlidae family, the discus is one of the brightest aquarium fishes that aquarists prefer keeping in their discus aquarium. Though experts suggest beginners might confront various challenges to maintain the discus, by following the proper guidance of the aquarium shop, you can develop your skills as a successful aquarist with time, knowing how to rare the regally colorful aquarium fish.

Here are some ideas for setting up a discus aquarium-

Though experts recommend custom-make a 75-gallon water tank or larger tanks for giving the discus fish a perfect home to thrive and grow in size, you can place an order for a 55-gallon to keep the discus. Reduce the size of the fish tank only if really lacks sufficient space. Otherwise, discus thrives better with larger tanks like the flower horn fish and looks better as well.

Discus fish bully each other if you don’t maintain the size group. So, buy 10-12 juveniles so that they can befriend from an early age, and with time as they grow, they can enjoy a peaceful cohabitation in your 75-gallon fish tank of warm water.

As the high temperature in a fish tank reduces the oxygen level, keep air stones. It helps to balance the environment. Shifting discus in a planted tank is always beneficial. Anubias, bacopa, java fern, micro swords, sword plants, etc. plants survive in the warm water of the aquarium.

You may or may change the water frequently. It all depends on the biological filtration such as the plants and beneficial bacteria that are there in the tank, the food you provide, how many fish you have, etc.

This is how you can set up a discus tank like the way you do it for floran fishand so on.

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How to Maintain Discus Fish?

 Discus belongs to the Cichlidae family. For their majestic beauty and regal colors, they are often called the “King of Aquariums”. It is said that discus is not for beginners; still, if you’re driven by the beauty of the amazing fish, get expert help to build a perfect discus tank filled with water and the proportions of chemicals necessary for creating the ideal environment for their sustenance. Also, know the dietary needs of the discus in your tank to provide them with balanced and nutritious food.

Water requirement of discus fish

Instead of buying a readymade sobo aquarium in the first place, have a word with the experts about whether the Wild caught discus will survive there or not. However, if you have captive-bred, mostly sold these days, you can easily keep it.

If you have an authentic wild-caught discus, then you should know that this breed of aquarium fish prefers perfectly balanced warm, acidic, and soft water. Keep the temperature between 82° and 86° F. The pH level must be within 6.0 and 7.0 and the hardness of water shouldn’t exceed 1° and 4° dKH.

Housing necessities of discus

Ask the fish shop to create the ideal environment for the discus fish. Buy larger aquariums containing above 75 gallons of water to rare the full-grown discus fish. Despite adjusting the submersible pumps at a lower frequency, keep large broadleaf plants and driftwood should be kept vertically to stimulate the lower branches.

Like the way you keep flowerhorn fish by following the natural habitat, design the discus tank likewise and provide the fish with the right amount of nutritious food.

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What Aquarium Fish Can Beginners Keep?

 Unlike dogs and cats, fish is a zero trouble-making pet you can rare in a customized discus tank. Besides, whether it’s a small or a large aquarium, the slow movement of the colorful aquarium fish from one side to another nibbling in their food or finding minerals to taste in the underneath gravel creates a tranquil aura.

There is no such beginner’s guide to keeping fish because if you choose a renowned aquarium shop Malaysia to set up the fish tank for you, they can suggest affordable yet gorgeous fish to enhance the glamour of your room.

Yet, here are the top five fish beginners can keep—


These orange beauty queens illuminate your fish tank. Goldfish need proper maintenance for survival and growth. So, hire a professional aquarium cleaner that can visit your place every month to clean the fish tank properly and condition the water ideal for the goldfish.


Angelfish belong to the Cichlid family that grows up to 6- 8 inches. They usually prefer living on small insects and shrimps. You can also keep them survive on live worms or nutritious fish food. Angelfish prefers plants so keep some aquarium plants inside the tank. Avoid keeping fish of other breeds in the same tank as angelfish are territorial and aggressive.

Flowerhorn Cichlid

Known as super expensive aquarium fish, beginners can easily keep them in a customized flowerhorn tank and give them their favorite food to sustain.

You can also buy Mollies, Guppies, Rainbow Fish, Golden Dwarf Barbs, Zebra Danios, Platies, Betta Fish, etc. for your fish tank.

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